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​ Forecast and actual analysis essential for management decisions

Operating income, sales, and cost of sales for the current period

​What condition is it in? How does it compare to last year? etc

Graph the information necessary for making business decisions​

Spomane_Management accounting system for sports managers
Spomane. What is a forecast-actual graph? Forecast-actual graphs are used to visually understand business conditions by comparing a company's current plan (budget) and actual results. By narrowing down your search by department/period, you can display the information you want and quickly check the health of your company.
Spomane. Find out whether the current year's performance is progressing according to budget. How are the actual results compared to the current plan (budget)? Are there any changes in performance compared to last year? ⇒If there are any issues or barriers, you can consider appropriate measures to address them. The forecast-actual graph can be checked in the following three patterns.・Operating profit ・Sales ・Cost of sales + selling, general and administrative expenses By checking these graphs in combination, it is possible to understand the business status of the entire company in more detail.

​Various analysis graphs

Spomane. Operating profit (cumulative accumulation). Trends in operating income relative to the current plan. Comparison with previous year
Spomane. Operating profit (monthly bar graph). Trends in operating income relative to the current plan. Comparison with previous year
Spomane. Sales (cumulative accumulation) forecast and actual results for the current period plan. Comparison with previous year
Spomane. Sales (monthly bar graph) Expected and actual results for the current plan. Comparison with previous year
Spomane. Cost of sales + selling, general and administrative expenses (cumulative accumulation) Estimates and actual results for the current period plan. Comparison with previous year
Spomane. Cost of sales + selling, general and administrative expenses (monthly bar graph) Estimates and actual results for the current plan. Comparison with previous year
業績管理表,業績管理表は、部門ごとの売上/売上原価/売上総利益/販管費・一般管理費/営業利益を視覚化し、 前年対比や今後の見通し(スケジュール)を基に経営判断に使って頂くためのものです


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